Dr. Jussi Parikka is a Media Theorist and Professor at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton. He also works at FAMU (at the Academy of Performing Arts, Prague) as director of the project Operational Images (2019-2023). His books and articles have analyzed accidents and dark sides of network culture as well as digital audiovisual culture. Parikka’s book Insect Media won the 2012 SCMS Anne Friedberg award for Innovative Scholarship. He has published extensively on Media Archaeology, including, his book What is Media Archaeology? following the shorter The Anthrobscene (2014), he published A Geology of Media (2015), A Slow, Contemporary Violence (2016), and Remain (co-authored, 2019) as well as Writing and Unwriting (Media) Art History (co-edited with Joasia Krysa, 2015). Parikka is one of the founding directors of the new research group Archaeologies of Media and Technology (AMT). He was also one of the editors of the transmediale 30th anniversary publication Across and Beyond: Postdigital Practices, Concepts, and Institutions (Sternberg Press, 2016).