Bernard Stiegler
Bernard Stiegler

Bernard Stiegler was a philosopher and the President of the Institute of Research and Innovation, which he headed from 2009 to December 2018. He was also one of the founding members and president of the association Ars Industrialis—a group of volunteer citizens engaged in the struggle for the development of an industrial policy of mind technologies that preserve individual and collective lifestyles, now threatened by the Antropocene. In May 2017, Ars Industrialis redefined its priorities and set itself the goal of understanding the future of the Anthropocene era on the basis of the concept of "Internation" outlined by Marcel Mauss in the context of the League of Nations in order to prevent the war barbarism from recurring founded on 10 January 1920 in Geneva. It is in this perspective that, with the support of IRI, a group of personalities from science, law, economics of the arts, philosophy, engineering and activism is working on a letter to António Guterres to be sent to the United Nations in Geneva on 10 January 2020. Bernard Stiegler died in August 2020 at the age of 68.