convex tv.
convex tv.

convex tv. existed from December 1996 to December 1999 as a Berlin collective with a total of 16 members from the fields of art, cultural studies, history, journalism, architecture, or psychology. The focus of convex tv.'s work was on the entanglement of old and new media, production methods and approaches. The work with radio and internet was complemented by the publicly accessible presence on site, the production space "test bed" (1997-2001) in Berlin-Mitte. From January 1997 to December 1999, convex tv. broadcast a one-hour magazine on digital media, pop cultural phenomena, media activism, technology, music, film or literature on every first Sunday of the month on a Berlin FM frequency and on the Internet. In addition, convex tv. took part in numerous exhibitions, festivals and symposia. Journalistic programmes and experimental artistic works with sound, text and image are archived on the convex tv. website. This database contains about 50 hours of audio material.
As part of an international network of experimental Internet radio projects of the late 1990s, convex tv. organized the " days '98" at various locations in Berlin and the " day '99" at the ZKM in Karlsruhe (both in cooperation with the Berlin based "mikro e.V. - Association for the Fostering of Media Cultures").
Members of convex tv. at any time between December 1996 and December 1999 or throughout the period were Benjamin Beck, Florian Clauß, Martin Conrads, Chris Flor, Micz Flor, Heike Föll, Ulrich Gutmair, Anja Heilmann, Tanja Lay, Silvan Linden, Kito Nedo, Kathrin Röggla, Stefan Schreck, Dana Sohrmann, Vera Tollmann and Stephanie Wurster.