Julia Grosse
Julia Grosse

Julia Grosse is a Berlin-based journalist, art historian and co-founder and editor-in-chief of the art magazines Contemporary And( C&) and Contemporary And (C&) América Latina. Grosse taught at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg and UdK in Berlin. She recently launched a critical panel format together with the German journalist and scientific historian Julia Voss called The Situation. Until 2013 she worked as an arts correspondent in London for the FAS, SZ Magazin, AD Magazine and taz. She wrote and co-published several books, such as I am built inside you(Sternberg Press, 2017). Her most recent book is Ein Leben lang focusing on the 70 year lasting marriage of her grandparents (Hoffmann und Campe, 2018). Grosse is currently guest lecturer at Institute for Art in Context at UdK in Berlin.