Feel my Metaverse: Behind this Screen I Am on the Real Earth

Feel my Metaverse: Behind this Screen I Am on the Real Earth
Photo: Laura Fiorio, transmediale, CC BY-SA 4.0
Feel My Metaverse
Built within a game engine, Feel My Metaverse is a CGI film set in a hyper-fictional future, when the climate crisis has rendered the earth uninhabitable. Humans escape into a metaverse of virtual worlds, shown through the daily lives of three characters. The narrative critiques the disconnection between the monopolizing desires of corporate and futurist visions in the context of inequality and climate crisis. Considering the increasing fragility of shared belief systems, it contemplates how individuals can trust and live in realities that they intuitively disagree with. It also depicts technology as an emancipatory tool to explore sensory understanding, fluidity of expression, and ability.
The installation will be on view from 29 January to 2 February, 2020.
Keiken and George Jasper Stone would like to thank collaborators Charlotte Oppenheim, Sakeema Crook and Linda Rocco. Soundtrack and sound design by Khidja. Additional sound design by Ebe Oke and Robert Malone. Originally commissioned for Jerwood Arts Collaborate! This project was also kindly supported by SECT, Off World and Arts Council England. 3D scanning by Form Capture and Motion capture by Target 3D.