Feel My Metaverse: Behind this Screen I am on the Real Earth #1

Feel My Metaverse: Behind this Screen I am on the Real Earth #1

Tue, 28.01.2020 19:00

This gamified performance is an extension of the CGI film Feel My Metaverse, a work in The Eternal Network exhibition. The piece speculates on a post-climate disaster world in which humans escape into a metaverse of virtual worlds, shown through the daily lives of three characters. This live event lets the audience become part of collective world-building, triggering interactive visuals and sound. The immersive environment uses unpublished software built by Off World to generate a live interactive virtual world with the performer appearing in both physical and virtual space.
Visitors must bring their smartphones to participate in this cross-dimensional experience. 

Warning: Strobe lights are used during this performance. High noise level—ear protection upon request. 
Performer: Sophie Mars
CGI: George Jasper Stone
Score and Sound Design: Khidja
Garments: AGF Hydra 
Executive Producer: Finbar Mostyn-Williams 
Technical Production: iiode.live


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